Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Ok....well I'm gonna try to update more but might as well get caught up since JUNE! WOW. :/
Some of you may know that I am in Marching Band...and some of you don't. Well if you don' you know. ;) Since June, my Marching Band (Go Pendleton Heights Marching Arabians!! whooo!) has come pretty darn far into our show! We have gotten 3/4 of it done in fact. We had our first football game a couple of weeks ago (they are every other Friday) and it was AWESOME!! Of course, nobody's perfect so we didn't do AWESOME...but it was AWESOME marching on the field and playing. Now we have another football game this Friday and we will be marching parts 1-3 of our show! BOOOYAHHH! But enough about me. ;)
GARETT IS IN FOOTBALL NOW!! *sniff sniff* they grow up so fast. He's doing AWESOME besides the fact that he broke his finger on his birthday...wait. WHAT? When was G's birthday?! Yes that's right folks! We have another teenager in the house. Garett turned 13 on the 26th. :) Back to the finger- G broke his middle finger on his right hand while he was at gymnastics. :( He should be able to get a cast that he can play football in though. :)
And of course we have already started school. Well, technically we've been in school for three weeks...but whatever. :
I think that's it. Guess we'll find out. :)

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