Thursday, June 24, 2010

Senior Week At Camp Wabashi

Last week was Senior Week at Camp Wabashi. This week's theme was letting go of the past so you can grow closer to God. Josh didn't go because he claims that he doesn't like camping...well he missed out. ;) So I ended up going alone with the senior high youth group. How weird is that? I'm in high school now so I have to go to the SENIOR HIGH! :O We had tons of fun though, building benches (my team WON!), making ice cream sundaes on people (sounds gross, but it was so much fun! well for the people who made them and not received them!), and much more! So without further ado....

1 comment:

Benjamin Martin said...

I remember this so much. I turned 18 that year and was my last year I could be a camper. The picture with the hose, I’m in the green shirt, brown pants and long hair. I miss these days and these people. Sad that we all lost touch.

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