Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Little Red Box Song

A funny song we learned at Wabashi...:P This is how it goes....

"If I had a little red box to put my Jesus in,I'd take him out, and give him a hug, and share him with my friends."

"If I had a little red box to put the devil in,I'd take him out AND STOMP ON HIS HEAD and put him back again."

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Camp Wabashi

So Josh and I went with the youth group at our church to Camp Wabashi over the weekend...went on Friday night and came back on Sunday afternoon. The theme was Who Are You? What it meant was that we should stop "labeling" everybody like "Band Geek" or "Retard". So for all day Saturday, along with six others I wore shirts with labels on them...Poser,Goody Two Shoes,Troublemaker, Twig,Blondie,and Band Geek. (I was band geek of course :P) So everybody called me what my shirts said all day. At the end we burned them because we are getting rid of our labels.
---------------------------------------Funny Pics-----------------------------

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Yay!!!!!!!!!! I finally got music on my blog! You'll find songs on there from Toby Mac, R.E.M., Bon Jovi, and others. Thanks to Aunt Wendy you can listen to music while you laugh your head off!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

New Easter Pictures

Well I couldn't find the battery charger for my camera. So I couldn't upload pictures onto the computer because my camera was dead, so now I found it, and I charged it, and now I have pictures from Easter!!! :P Also, I got spring flower pictures.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Off To Cincinnati

Tomorrow everybody is leaving with Dad to go to Cincinnati. We're going to go to a Reds baseball game and to the Aquarium...:) It's gonna be awesome!!:P

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