Monday, December 15, 2008


Now you're probably thinking..."What? Christmas on the 15th?" Well you see we had it today because we are at my dad's house and because we are really going to celebrate Christmas on Christmas day at Neena and Gramp's house. Sorry I don't have any photos yet becuase I haven't gotten a new photo thing that works yet...sorry Neena! We tried twice...but there's always a third try!!! ;) So when I get the pictures on the computer I will post them! But I will tell you what we got...some new clothes,silly string,candy,food,calenders,and lots of other great stuff!! I love my new M&M's blanket!!! It's a small blanket but I love it anyway! :) Also, I got a gift certificate to the pottery place!!!! $30.00! We might have to go tomorrow...:)Well see everybody soon! (Stay Tuned For Pictures...) :0)

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